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Writer's picture: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Giving 30% of Your Income is not tithing.

God says tithe of All - old testament (house, animals, time, car, all that you own).

New Testament: Give out of your increase.

My eight hours of time will physically bring in $30,000.

My $500 check will physically bring in $50.

I pay the $50 and spend 8 hours looking for $50 to $100 to pay my light bill. I pay my light bill and spend my Eight Hours of time developing his ministry and bring in $30,000.

Which is greater or better or more responsible.

More Tithe is not always best.

When God has given us specific instructions.

Have more money that we need can hinder us from doing something exactly the way God says to do it.

Which is why God takes us through process of tarrying, growing, fighting the lion and the bear first to prepare us for the Bigger Project.

When we tithe 30% instead of 10% we are not tithing and we can be hindering a process. Meaning We build a 2,000 seat church and when God only needed you to build a 500 seat church. Now you are struggling to fill the 2,000 seats and provide effective programs and ministry beccause you are focused on money and a certain number of members and not mnistry.


Present Your Body a Living Sacrifice, that is your reasonable service, that is the least you can do. Giving 10% of $1,000 or $100 is nothing and is bad stewardship of Your Body, Your Mind, Your Talents and Your Anointing and that is why God was upset with the person that burys or do not use the talent and mind that He Gave to us and is in us. God wants to manifest Himself through us in All of our ways, not just with a check.

Tithers give 100% to their Jobs and Employers that has a value of $100,000 or more.

and Then give 10% of their $1,000 check to the church with a value of $100.

Which is more responsible?

Just like the Sabbath Day or Sunday. Much weight is put on the one day. When God Says everyday is His Day. Meaning He wants 100% of us and our time and talents every single day. Not just on Sunday.

for example:

God gave Noah specific instructions on how to build the Ark. If Noah would have had more resources and money than God required that he have, Noah would have built the ship a little longer or made extra floors or put extra ammenities that would have hindered the ark from carrying the exact number of animals and people and traveling how and where God wanted it.

Same with Gideon, God only needed him to have 300 soldiers. If Gideon would have had millions of dollars to pay the 10,000 soldiers or if he would have used another more expensive method for determining who to take with him to battle, it would not have turned-out the way it did.

Just like Saul trying to give David Armour and weapons that God did not Need for David to have. God Gave David "exactly" specifically what he needed to fight and beat the biggest threat, obstacle and enemy in that community.

God has already provided everything and every resource that we need to fight and beat Poverty, Cancer, Pornography, LGBTQ and these filthey entertainment, tv and radio channels and networks.


I have had to despise the shame of not tithing, knowing the leadership of the church deamed you not saved if You were not a tither.

Has tithing worked for the church?

Has the mega-churches put a dent or a measurable solution or decrease in their areas as it relates to

Poverty, Violence, Health, Homelessness, Equal Housing, Racial Inequalities, Imprisonment, Hunger etc.

Is tithing making a difference in these cities? Are they safe? Is there an abundance of solutions and opportunities that are working?

Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, Myrtle Beach, New York, Chicago and all communities between.

If Tithing is God's Best: Why isn't it financing His Projects & His Plans for our communities?

Giving a Tenth of All that we are: Our Specific divine Anointing first, then our Talent, Time, Resources, Mind, Energy and Family etc., If money was last on this list money would never be an issue. Which is why Jesus and His Disciples never had a problem with money or ever had to beg or ask for it!

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