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  • Writer's pictureWardell Brantley


Updated: Apr 4

God, in John 15:7, You said, “If, I remain in You and Your Words Remain in me, I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be done for me.” I thank You for Helping me to acquire and live in this understanding and power!

Lord God Jesus Christ, I thank You and Praise You for another day and another opportunity to wake-up with You on my mind and a desire to allow You to lead, direct and manifest Yourself in every thought that I think and every word that comes out of my mouth that will dictate every decision and every action that I take today.


Lord, I am asking You right now, for Your Understanding and Your desire to keep reading and to keep seeking a renewed mind to what You are saying to me right now through Your Words that are very hurtful and confusing to my natural-mind and my personal-will and what I have experienced and grown to love and depend on as it relates to music and entertainment!

What I have been reading in this blog about life, entertainment and music and what You are saying to me does not line-up with my life.

Help me to accept and to understand Your Words and what I am feeling right now!

Music and Entertainment is so wide, so vast, so influential, so a-part of everyday life, how can I frame my mind or begin to believe it is as destructive as what I am reading right now…Help me Lord even in my unbelief of what I am reading that You have said.

I now understand that I have an important and crucial part in “No-Weapon” prospering in my life.

I Thank You that "no-weapon" or "no-issue" that is formed against me will ever prosper and every person, artist, entertainer, writer, journalist, teacher, preacher or demon that will speak against me, against my family, against my community and against my vision; “I-Will” I, “I -me __________” I Must Condemn, I must Shut the Words down, Shut the issue down with Your Words or Shut them (the-person) down before I begin to agree with them or before I begin to consider or like their view-point (I will replace the words that I am hearing with Your-Words in order to remove the thoughts and images from my mind that are created when I hear words that go against Your words)…I must, cut-off the radio, hang-up the phone, turn the tv or video channel or leave the conversation immediately.

Speaking-curse-words, Calling girls b’s, hoe’s and calling men dogs, playas and niggas is absolutely speaking these personalities into being around me and in my community.

I, me, _______ Speak into existence who and what I want around me and who and what I want to be associated-with and who I want representing me.

Help me to understand what a "b_tch" is and what a "hoe" is, what a "dog" is, what a playa is and then help me to understand that none of these people with these characteristics are apart of Your Kingdom. You do not call Your children b's, hoes, dogs, playas and niggas, fags, queers, crackers, retarded, rednecks etc. and You do not want me using these terms under any circumstances not even in jokes and entertainment.


All negative words and phrases that are projected from tv’s, radios, phones, cars etc. is absolutely hindering Your Words from penetrating and taking root in my mind and my heart and I am singing and talking against my mother, against my father, against my sister and against my brothers and aganist Your children when I listen-to and sing along-with music or entertainment with this language or when I take part in conversations where this language is spoken or is commonly used.


Help me to understand that my vision and MY plans from YOU must-not, cannot be contrary to Your Word or Your Will or disrespect or cause harm to me, my family, Your children or Your earth.

My negative words or negative-words from my mouth will absolutely cause harm to me and my children and my community even when no one else hear-me, You, my angels and the demonic spirits hear me and put those words into action, into motion in my life and in the lives of those I am associated-with (Negatively or Positively)!

When I condemn negative words or any words spoken to me that are not from You, Your Angels hear me condemn the words and they go and perform it in the life of the person that is allowing the demon to use them, Including secular entertainers, artists, journalists and me.

As harsh as that sound, it’s Your Word, It's how You have setup the world to operate and what has happened negatively because so many has chosen the world's-way, satan's-way instead of Yours. You said, in All of our getting to get an understanding. Help me, Help us to understand that the world (satan) says it’s harsh, but You say it’s Your Life and Your Peace. You have given us the free moral ability to choose You or choose satan. There is not any other options. I DON'T HAVE A WILL! I HAVE TWO OPTIONS ONLY. Your option, Your Way or satan's option. That's it!

“Get thee behind me satan” The world says, that those words are harsh; when Peter was only being concerned for You. You were talking to satan, not Peter, while giving Peter an understanding.

Those words produced LIFE for us and Peter. Jesus, You had to let Peter know without a doubt that nothing "You, Jesus, You God and Your Holy Spirit" ever says is wasted. And You-God, can Never be corrected, despite my feelings, my hurt or my genuine ignorance.

I can never correct You or insist that what You (my God, who I believe is my Lord and Savior) IS SAYING OR HAS SAID, CAN EVER BE WRONG!

You told Peter, You had to go away and die and just Because he did not understand or just-because he was hurt, scared or confused or whatever, he should have known enough-about-You, (His Lord), not to try and correct You or suggest that You would "SAY" or "SPEAK" something that You do not absolutely mean. You proved that to adam and eve! You mean what You say, Period!

You do not waste Words or time! Peter was talking to YOU, not one of his buddies or the other disciples who could have misinterpreted You!

Jesus, You, were always very careful about what You allowed to be spoken into Your life or what You responded-to. Many times You did not respond at all.

Lord God, help those that are going out into the communities in the name of ministry to know that You went and hung around sinners and ministered to them, but You did not do what the sinners did. You did not engage in agreeing with them, smoking with them, cursing with them, drinking with them, watching filth with them or talking trash and gossiping with them. Help those that are ministering in Your Name, to “minister” to the world and to not be deceived and end-up joining the world and their worldly ways. I see it so often.


I will not confirm, acknowledge or agree with anything or anyone that is contrary to Your Word or Your Will for my life. That is why social media is so destructive. The users take the word “LIKE” too, too, too lightly. When we “like” and agree with another person’s thoughts and actions we are saying we confirm it and agree with it. Despite how simple or insignificant we think the thought or saying is, it will come to-pass in some-way, shape or form.


I see how social media destroyed and skewed my wife’s judgement and took her back into a world and a life that You delivered us from. I watched her agree with all kinds of unhealthy conversations, music and discussions with men and others with filthy and disgusting comments and conversation and how it caused her to agree with all types of secular sayings, quotes, music and lyrics and he influenced her back to her past. Even to the point of visiting bars and secular parties. I Thank You for allowing me to be strong and not drawn back into that world that I grew-up in and YOU delivered me from. Now Lord, I ask that You help me and strengthen me to be strong for my wife and my children and my family by being more of an influence to my Wife and Family than social media.


I know this Word, Your Word that is coming out of my mouth right-now is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and I believe it and I have faith in Your Blood/Your Death/Your Resurrection and I know it (Your Word & Blood) will accomplish all that You have put it in my mouth to accomplish! This Word that I am reciting now will NOT return to You Void! It is Quick and Powerful and what I am declaring will happen quickly and It will cut and bless ME FIRST and anyone it is intended to bless, mold or prune.

In Psalm 103 and 20. You said that Your Angels move at the VOICE of Your Word. And these Words that I am speaking right now are Your Voice and Your Words. I Give Your Bible and Your Scriptures a Voice.. Hallelujah. Just like secular artists, writers, producers, dj's, entertainers and journalists gives satan a voice.

I know Your Angels listen when I am speaking Your Word. And when I speak and declare Your Word and Your Will, Angels rush to perform what I said (Your Words and Your Will) in my life. Hallelujah..

And I know demons do the same when I or anyone speak negative-words, lies or gossip.

When I sing along with secular music, I am singing against my vision, against my family, against my marriage, against my health and against my prosperity and against my children.

Yes, Angels will cause what’s coming out of my mouth to happen. Help me and this world to understand the Power of our words and the influence of music, entertainment and the words of national leaders.

I will not hinder Your Angels from performing their duties for me…. You Said, Your Word would not return to You in Me Void. Angels are responsible for helping me to manifest Your Word.

And My Angels guide and protect-me and help-me to walk into what You have already done in this present time because You are resting. You are not doing anything. You have finished it All and my Angels are helping me to acquire what You have finished.

I know, I stop my Angels and Your Spirit from performing for me when I “SPEAK WORRY, SPECULATION, GOSSIP, CURSE-WORDS OR LIES” or anything contrary to Your Word or anything opposite of Your Will for me or when I say negative or offensive things that the world and even Your church (or rather the-church people) may deem small or petty. You don’t see words or judge words as small or insignificant! EVERY SINGLE WORD OUT OF MY MOUTH COUNTS. EVERY WORD BLESSES OR HINDERS A BLESSING!

Help our National leaders to understand this. I will not speak curse-words, negative speculation or words against what You have for me or anyone else’s health, prosperity, vision, organization or family (not even if I am doing it by-way-of singing, ministering or joking).

Because If “I Am” then I Am My Words and I am Powerful, so My Words and everything that I say is Powerful and Prospers whether I like it or not. Good and Bad (lies & Truth) is Powerful and will happen in some-way, shape or form. Our inner-cities and families and country is in a mess because of the words that are being spoken over the airwaves in music, entertainment and news!

In Isaiah 11:4, I see where Your words also physically kill. I am and I am my Words.. YOUR Words and Your Spirit Physically heal and Physically restore my body and my body parts.

When I confessed that You, Jesus was my Lord, You, Jesus told / Announced to the Angels that You was indeed My Lord. I know Your Angels are aware of what I confess (say) on earth. I thank You for echoing my words to the Angels and commanding them to bring my Words, which are Your Words and Your Will (to-pass) to-manifestation.

You even started / created the World with Your Verbal Words. You had to Say “Verbally” “Let-there-be” and It was and still is to this day. In Revelations 20:5 Your Voice – Your verbal Words called every dead person that ever lived, out of the grave and Your Words even caused bodies that were eaten, disintegrated and cremated to come together again.

And in the same manner, Your Words spoken by me will resurrect and restore any dead situations or people in my life. My Words (which are Your Words, which is Your Mind) will change my mindset to match and agree-with You or my words will war-against You and cause destruction in my life. My words and my conversations will increase or destroy me and those assciated with me, period!

And in Revelations 1:7 You said, You are returning back to earth with a shout, a loud verbal WORD…I am in You and You are in Me and You Made me in Your Image and Your Likeness and my Words that You Speak through me are just that Powerful! That is why I don’t touch secular music or entertainment.

I AM the TEMPLE OF LIFE OR DEATH PERIOD through what I say! It’s my choice!

I love the example that You left on record of how when the devil tried to tempt You, as weak, from fasting as You may have been, You only spoke the Word of God. You kept saying (verbally), "It is written...It is written...It is written." After You kept quoting God's Word, Then the devil left You, and Angels came and attended to You. You said that in Matthew 4:11. And I know, I can do the same and the devil will flee, which is why I have and will continue to make it a habit to read and recite Your Word and Your-Will, throughout the day. Moment-by-moment Daily. And Your Angels comfort me, guide me, protect me and direct me, every time just as they did with You.

Based on My Words & My Conversations…
You Said, it’s My Choice…
There is NO in-between or middle or me….I’m either hot or cold!
OR give satan a voice!
My Mind, My Voice and My Body is being used by YOU Jesus or by satan at all times. IT'S MY CHOICE!


Most times artists and entertainers do not understand or consider (because their money is at stake) the destructiveness of their words. The sex, sexual-tones, violence, pride, lust & greed that is spoken and sung in music and recited in movies for entertainment is the ABSOLUTE Reason that our country and our world has so much violence, shootings, poverty, rape and molestations and hate. I SEE HOW MANY CABLE TV STATIONS, ONLINE AND RADIO NETWORKS ARE AVAILABLE NOW FOR SATAN TO COMMUNICATE HIS MESSAGE (Despite how subtle, even through the so-called Christian stations) I understand now, that all, that is going-on in our communities started with words first and words from influential people like our artists and celebrities. Lord, help them to understand that their words are being manifested in these communities and the more music and movies they sell the worse our communities become.

Many artists justify their lyrics by saying they are telling stories and the realities of our neighborhoods; Lord, help them to understand (if that’s the case) how to communicate a message with the solution and who and what the solution is…based on Your Word only!



No Corrupt Communication should come out of Your mouth.

Father, You've said that to fear the Lord is to hate evil, You hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. (Prov.8:13)

satan educates, communicates and motivates through these secular artists and entertainers. Their words seduce girls and boys to have premarital sex that results in babies and then their words seduce and motivate many to speak negatively over their situations (marriages) that keeps their minds and thoughts captive to poverty.

All poverty, sadness, anger, sex outside of marriage, divorce, gays, lesbians and bad attitudes starts with our thoughts (that are molded by what we hear and see) and are manifested through the words that we speak.

Why is it that national leaders and rich entertainers live and look so happy and blessed?

They have money, but that’s it. satan rewards those that are building his kingdom. They love money and their status enough to ignore and to justify the destruction they are doing to themselves, others and their community. That is why, I God says, don’t love it. They have money but no living spirit, no real, wisdom, no real revelation and they do not have a secure future. This world’s opinion of them and their money is it; everything else about secular entertainers and those without God’s Spirit is dead.



HELP ME GOD TO APPLY PRESSURE to satan and his tactics that he use through music and entertainment.


To the entertainers and ministries; who are producing, distributing, communicating and performing content that is absolutely contrary to the Holy Bible and goes against God's Word:

REVELATION, UNDERSTANDING and A CHANGED OR NEW MIND ONLY COMES THROUGH GOD, JESUS AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT! You know you do not have God's Spirit when you see no-wrong with the worldly-content, the sexual-laced content and violent-filled content that you distribute and or endorse even those who say they are doing it as a way of telling stories.

Only Jesus and His Holy Spirit can help you understand the destruction that you are doing to yourself and the communities.

And only HIS SPIRIT can give You the Power and a Renewed-Mind to stop destroying yourself and your community through your words and your profession.

Only God's Holy Spirit can convince You to give-up working for satan and satan's kingdom.

You do not have revelation from Your Holy Spirit and cannot comprehend or understand Your Words or their destruction to the community, to themselves and to others.

Help me to understand and to use Your Courage to continue to drive-out the demonic forces and to pray-for and do the things that You have said to do that will deliver those being used by satan to destroy our communities through the air-waves, classrooms, events and technology!


(4) I AM PRAYER FOUR - Continue to Chapter 5

I - Am Prayers: (see all here)

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