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Writer's picture: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Dec 28, 2024

Help me to have a teachable heart.

Father, according to Your Word, in his pride the wicked does not seek You; in all his thoughts there is no room for You. (Ps. 10:4)

Please help me to always make room in my thoughts for You, God. Don't allow me to continue on in pride that stops me from seeking You! Keep me to always be Christ-minded; always casting my cares upon You.

Lord, Your Word speaks of the wicked wearing pride like a necklace and clothing themselves with violence, (Ps.73:6). You indicate a link between pride and violence. You said in Psalm 91 that You would deliver me from these evils. Root out all the judgements I have made that I may repent of them and renounce them. Keep me humble Lord! You said, that Your Anointing (YOU) in me destroys this yoke of bondage (pride-filled thoughts) that is from the devil.

Father, You've said that to fear the Lord is to hate evil, You hate pride, You hate lying, You hate arrogance, You hate cursing, You hate curse-words and You hate the curse-words spoken on any level from jokes, to general conversations, in entertainment, in music and in arguments (Prov. 8:13).

Help me to have a healthy fear of You that destroys any pride or arrogance, which also causes me to lie and want things You don't desire me to have at the moment. Be (manifest Yourself as) the guard of the door of my mind, my heart and my mouth that I would not hurt You, My Spirit or others by my arrogance, pride, words or responses (by not listening to You or obeying You in everyway).

Your Word says, when pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom (Prov 11:2).

Father grant me grace (BE MY GRACE) to be humble and manifest Yourself in the form Integrity, Character, Wisdom and Discipline through me....Keep me from worldly wisdom Lord. Show me when I am walking in pride and deceit, so that I can change my mind to Your Mind immediately!

Father, You're teaching me that pride only breeds lies and quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take and use Your Advice and Counsel (Prov. 13:10).

Help me to see my pride when I am quarrelsome, anxious and filled with anger or fear. Help me to have a teachable, mendable and moldable heart for You and what You desire for me at any moment.

Lord, Your Word clearly warns us that pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall (Prov 16:18)


God, I know that a man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor (Prov 29:23).

Humility is casting all my cares upon You, because You care for me. It is recognizing I am not almighty or omnipotent. It is knowing You are Infinite and I am finite, It is knowing Your ways and thoughts are absolutely opposite of my ways and my thoughs. Help me to know and understand that I have a "critical-need" and absolute dependence for You and Your guidance and Your help AT ALL TIMES!

I want to be (I AM) a person who gains honor in Your sight. So help me to not be too proud to ask for help, from You, or from others.

Father, help me to remember in my impatience, that the end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride (Eccl 7:8). Father, a day is certainly coming when the arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men humbled; You Lord alone will be exalted in that day (Isaiah 2:17). Crush the pride and arrogance in me Lord, before that day!

Father, Your Word says that You will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. You will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and You will humble the pride of the ruthless (Isaiah 13:11).

Father, those who have been forsaken and hated by the world, You can make the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations (Isa 60:15).

YOUR approval and Your opinion is all that matters.

Lord, You instruct Your people to listen carefully and heed Your instruction because pride can cause Your flock to be taken captive (Jer. 49:16). Father, help me to understand that the pride in my heart is deceiving me (Jer. 49:16).

Those who walk in pride and arrogance, You are able to humble (Dan 4:37).

Burn out all the self-righteousness in me Lord....Deliver me from a religious spirit, that only looks at what is wrong in others, but not what is wrong in me. Help me to take the plank out of my own eye!

Father, Your Word says that pride hardens the heart (Dan 5:20). Your desire for me is that I be tenderhearted (Eph 4:32) and that my gentleness would be made known to all (Phil 4:5). You said that Your Anointing (YOU) would melt any hardness in my heart. Expose any bitter root in me so that I can repent of it (think YOUR Thoughts about it). I Praise You for Filling me with Your Love and Your Gentleness and Your Peace (which is YOU manifested), so that I can be loving to others (Which brings You to everyone I encounter).

Father, You led the Israelites all the way in the desert for forty years, to humble them and to test them in order for them to know what was in their hearts, whether or not they would keep Your commands (Deut 8:2).

Help me to understand that sometimes You lead me on certain paths (knowing I will make a mistake) so that You are able to humble me and so that I can see and know what is in my heart and so that I can experience how merciful and how Powerful You are in me (which causes me to repent, turn-away and think YOUR THOUGHTS). Purify my heart Lord, so that You and I will take joy when I respond Your Way. Teach me how to walk humbly with You.

Father, You have promised that if Your people who are called by Your name will humble themselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from their worldly or wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chron 7:14).

Help me (and I thank You because You are and You have) to understand that corporate revival begins with personal, individual revival. Help me to humble myself and pray and seek Your face and turn from my own ways. I Thank You for hearing me from heaven and forgiving my sins and bringing healing and Joy to my heart.

Father, I celebrate the fact that You, Jehovah God, take delight in me; You crown the humble-me with salvation (Ps 149:4).

Lord, Your hand has made heaven and earth, and through You they came into being. Your Word says, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in Spirit, and trembles at My Word"

Manifest Yourself in the form of Mercy and Grace upon me oh Lord, that I can be this kind of person. Change my heart to be like Yours Father! You are My Savior and You are My Redeemer, help me to accept and to Manifest Your Yoke upon me and learn from You, because You are gentle and You are humble in my heart, and I will find rest for my soul in You (Matt 11:29).

Father, like Mary, help my soul to glorify You and my Spirit to rejoice in You because You are my Savior and because You have been mindful of me and what I have had to experience (Luke 1:46-48).

Father, You are calling upon me to be completely humble and gentle; to be patient, bearing with others in YOUR LOVE (treating all exactly how You would treat them).

Empower me by Your Spirit to be obedient to Your commands. Heal my heart of all woundedness, and deliver me from all evil, that I may obey You completely and wholeheartedly.

Fill me with the knowledge of Your love for me, so that I can walk in confidence, "KNOWING" that You are ALWAYS RIGHT HERE for me, and that I would know the mercifulness of Your Love that causes me and inspires me to Live how You say to live and to do what You are telling me to do!


You Hate proud and prideful actions, but You Are GRACE to me when I am humble (James 4:6).

Manifest Yourself in the form of Grace, Faith and Mercy in my life, in my situations and in my choices so that I will not give-into temptations in any areas of my life Lord!

Father, I WILL humble myself before You (moment by moment), I will allow You to be my Faith and Grace and I Know and I am Confident that You will lift me up, You will encourage me, You will show me what to do (James 4:10).

God, through the Power of my Holy Spirit, help me to live in harmony with others, be sympathetic and love Like You Love, I will be compassionate and humble to everyone I encounter (1 Peter 3:8).

Father, help me to clothe myself with Humility (which is You) toward others, because you oppose the proud, but You manifest Yourself inn the form of Grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5).

I will never live a day that I am not in desperate need of Your Faith, Your Grace and Your Mercy, so help me to maintain an attitude that welcomes Your Grace, welcomes Your Praise, welcomes Your Worship (obedience) and welcomes Your Mercy at all Times.

Father, Your Word says, You will break down stubborn pride and make the sky above the proud like iron and the ground beneath him like bronze (Lev 26:19). Lord Your Word is drawing a picture of the arrogant life. Prayers lifted to heaven will seem to hit a ceiling of iron, and life beneath the feet will be hard.

Lord help me to be humble before You in all of my ways, responses, decisions and words.

The life of the prideful will eventually become very hard.

I am Your Humble, I am You Jesus Visably Manifested for the world to see, I AM YOUR LIVING, WALKING EPISTLE (YOUR WORD) READ OF MEN. You said, this body is not my mine, You put me on earth for Your Use! You Bless the Humble-Me, Because the Humble-Me Allows You and All of Your Fullness to be seen and experienced through my body, through my life living, which causes individuals to be drawn to You and to live with You for eternity.

I am Blessed because You are able to receive Your Glory through my life-living.

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