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CALLING MY BATTLE ANGELS & Dealing Directly with my mind and demonic spirits!

Writer's picture: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, You Said, In You there is “FULLNESS OF JOY” and I know that Your Joy, the Joy of Your Salvation, The Joy of knowing You are the Strength I need, The Joy of knowing You are the Resource I need and the Joy of knowing that You are the Provision that I need to allow You to manifest Yourself through me right-now in whatever way You Desire!

I will enter into Your Gates With Thanksgiving and Enter Your Courts With Praise. I Thank You and Praise You Lord Jesus for another day and opportunity to serve You and to "Do" what You have put me on this earth to do for You, for Your Glory, for Your Kingdom and for Your people to be drawn to You and educated on how to do Your Will!

You will only bless and honor my time with You so that You Will be Glorified!

I Receive unlimited blessings and I receive unlimited favor when I Allow You (at all times) to use me and to be Glorified in my Actions, my Responses and my Words through My Faith in You that causes individuals and nations to be drawn to You, to serve You and to spend an eternity with You!

I experience My Unlimited Blessings emotionally, mentally and physically, when I Joyfully-with Contentment Allow YOU to use my mind, my mouth and my body at ALL TIMES even when what You are doing or what You are Allowing is seemingly bad, hard, unknown or down-right scary...

I will acknowledge-You and act with full knowledge and confidence that You are in ALL situations with me and I will find a way to Allow Your Spirit of Joy, Happiness and Contentment to lead my emotions, my feelings and my responses.


I UNDERSTAND THAT ALLOWING YOU TO MANIFEST YOURSELF THROUGH ME AT ALL-TIMES IS ABUNDANT LIFE LIVING! ITS MY CHOICE! This choice has to be made moment by moment every-single-day. And satan is constantly (all-day) pressuring me to not allow You to use me!

I understand that satan pressures me by using (firery-darts)

  • my impatience in wanting things to happen sooner than You.

  • comforting myself or others my way and not your-way.

  • reminding me of my discouraging or hurtful situations.

  • people's reactions and their uncomfortable words.

  • accidents, spills, forgetting something or losing something.

  • not getting what I want, things not happening like I planned.

  • bill-collectors, my bad children and bad financial situations.

  • thoughts of past mistakes.

  • the consequences I am dealing-with because of my mistakes.

  • someone talking about me or taking advantage of me.

  • the anxieties of fear and not knowing what is going to happen in a situation.

  • and other negative thoughts that are not from YOU!

I understand that these are the firey-darts that satan uses moment by moment to try and keep me from "Allowing You" to manifest Yourself through me.

My God, I am sorry for any moments of unbelief (giving-into satan's pressure and not using Your weapons to stop the firey-darts which are only bad thoughts). I am sorry with all my heart, because unbelief and doubting in You, doubting Your Power and doubting my ability to obey Your "Every Word" causes me to sin. And in choosing to do wrong and failing to Allow You to Choose for me and failing to Allow You to do Your-Good through me, I have sinned against You whom I should love and should choose (at all times) above all things, all thoughts and all situations.

I won't do anything to please, impress or cater-to people or myself that is not directly from You or that does not directly represent You!

Help me to understand, that I will not and I cannot make the Right Choice, Your Choice Apart from You..You must and You want-to make the Choice for Me because You know the results that You-want (that are the best for me and others) Because You Finished and Completed the results and the outcomes of the decisions that You want to make through me!

Trusting and Allowing You to make all of my decisions is how I live in Your Perfect-Peace at all times.

Lord Jesus Christ, I firmly intend, with Your help, To Allow You to manifest Yourself through me at all times so that I can do Your-Right, to do Your Will, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin, which is normally fear, doubt, unbelief, pride, shame or trying to escape pain, conflict or hurt my way (satan's way)!

You said, to Pray - to Communicate with You and to make sure I am using all of Your Weapons and Your Armour at all times, so that I do not sin (so that I do not enter-into or fall for the sin that is knocking at the door of my mind and my thoughts all day).




I lay-hold to __________________!

Father, I Take and Receive _____________ Right Now!

(what I'm believeing for)______________Manifest Yourself through Me, Now!

Without doubting, without procrastinating; I Receive, I Take, I Pull, I Allow _____________ to be manifested through me from You Right Now!

I Release My Angels for _____________________________ (Right Now).

I Contend For___________________!

I Fight the negative thoughts for ______________________!

I am Invested Fully for _____________!

I Am the Violent and I am Taking ___________ by Force, Now!

Angels of the Lord, Reveal and Manifest _____________________ in Me and to Me Now!

Angels Reveal and Uncover, The Knowledge, The Belief & Courage for ______________!

Lord, I am Allowing You to Manifest Yourself in the form of ____________ Right Now!

I subcome-to, I submit-to, I speak into existence; Your Spirit of ______________Right Now!

I thank You that I am getting Stronger and more Patient as I am waiting-patiently in confident expectation for the manifestation and the revelation of __________________!

Basically I am waiting for You to manifest Yourself through me for what You Desire for me at this moment! Whatever happens (good or so-called bad) I will and I am Praising You for Using-Me and Being In-Me and I in-You, because whatever happens is Your-Will for me at the moment and You said to Glory in-it and to be content in-it, Because You are working-it together for my good and the good of Your Kingdom and Your children here on earth!

(This is What You told me to do in Matthew eleven)!







Lord I need YOUR ANGELS MY MANTLE to totally surround me, NOW (as I know they are) as I go into this battle with my mind and satan…Thank You Jesus!

I am verbally speaking, commanding and declaring Your Word for this Battle, so that I can verbally hear Your Words and I will have the Right-Now Confidence to Put Your Words into Action through My Faith in Your Words. Even if that action is to go to sleep in confidence and let You Work!

And Your Words Spoken by me into my mind and into the atmosphere everyday and moment by moment gives me the desire, the will, THE-WANT-TO, to pray at all times so that I do not "enter in-to" or give into the temptation to worry, doubt, lie, gossip, think on the past, watch inappropriate things or __________________!


“For YOU shall give YOUR Angels charge over me, to keep me and protect me in all of my ways at All Times.” (Psalm 91:11)

I need YOUR ANGELIC SOLDIERS to fight for me (and I know they are) so that I can get into and accept Your Mind, Your Mind-set, Your Courage and Your Perspective for what I am about to do Right Now!

GOD'S Battle Angels - My Angelic Host, Will Help Protect ME and Fight for ME!

I Thank You for my understanding, my acceptance and my moment by moment decision to command Your Angels, My Angelic Hosts to do the things You and I need them to do for me, my family, my business, my relationships, my ministries and for others in the community.

Help me to understand that talking-with and commanding My Help, My Angelic Host, and My Mantle does not make sense to my natural mind. It will feel weird, because I have not been taught or exposed-to commanding my Angels to do what I need them to do and Lord help me to understand that it is really not-me doing the commanding, but rather it is YOU USING MY MIND, MY VOCAL CHORDS AND MY MOUTH!

And talking-to and dispatching Angels is not a common thing to do, which is why Your earth, this world and Your children are so messed-up. We have allowed satan to convince us that our Angelic Hosts is in heaven somewhere..... I will reverse this course of thinking and teaching for You through the networks and ministries You have given to me to work!

I will establish Your Kingdom Communication System that will begin to teach children at an early age who they are in-You and How they are to command their Angelic host by Your leading, Your Power, Your Authority and by using Your Words.

I will dispatch my Angels right-now to do what You need them to do, NOW and moment by moment.

I thank You Lord Jesus, that You and Your Hosts and Your Legions of Angels Protect-me, fight for me, comfort-me and encourage me every moment of every day as they did with you in the wilderness and in the Garden of Gesemene and what they did for many others like Daniel and the Hebrew boys.

You said Lord, that I can simply ask You (God) to station Your Battle Angels around me when I get ready to work, make decisions or directly engage with any demons who may be trying to come against me and pressure me to keep me from doing what You want done at the moment. I am really fighting my thoughts about the situation.

My War Angels not only come to help protect me and encourage me, but they also war directly against the demons on my behalf.


You said, The Angel of the Lord encamps all around me

1) When I Acknowledge You and Your Angels,

2) When I Believe You and Your Angels,

3) and When I Reverance-You and Your Angels

And You said, because I believe what You and Your Angels have done, are doing, and will do, You said, when I believe You, You WILL and You CAN deliver me, Prosper me and manifest my prayers because of my total belief system in You and Your Angels.” (Psalm 34:7).

And In Psalm 34:5 through 9, You also said:

5 When I look to YOU, DEPEND ON YOU & TRUST YOU; I am radiant; And my face will never be covered with shame.
6 You said, when I call You, You hear me and You deliver me from trouble, matter of fact You have delivered me from ALL OF MY troubles (2000 years ago) I MUST ACCEPT HOW and WHEN YOU ALLOW ME TO EXPERIENCE THE MANIFESTATION OF WHAT YOU DID! I CAN'T PUT A TIME OR DEADLINE ON YOUR MANIFESTATION AND I MUST BE CONTENT IN YOUR TIMING AND MY TRAINING PERIOD! I Must Accept Your Definition & Timing of My Freedom and My Deliverance and What My Blessing Looks Like & Feels Like! Many times "the-trouble" You Allow is training me for my next assignment from You. Help me to understand and Accept Your Perspective and Your Timing of my "so-called-trouble"!
7 You said in verse 7, The Angel of the LORD encamps around me and helps-me, protects-me, prospers-me and delivers-me from all trouble because I believe them, fear them and reverance them.
8 I am Tasting and Experiencing Your Goodness Lord and I am Blessed because I take refuge in YOU (I submit to You at all times in all situations)!




  2. I AM BAPTIZED IN YOU! their is no lack in You.

  3. I AM WRAPPED IN YOUR GRACE! their is no lack in Your Grace.

  4. I AM BEING CARRIED BY YOUR MERCY! Your Mercy cancelled my lack.

  5. I AM SWIMMING IN YOUR GLORY! their is no lack in Your Glory.


  7. You are In-Me In Your Fullness and You Own Everything and You Are All Knowledge and I AM a Joint-Heir with You in All Things...So I am Not Lacking - I am Working and Preparing With You - I am only Expecting and Hoping to Accept-With Joy and Contentment whatever "YOU" are Manifesting through me today!





(Just Like Gideon thought he lacked enough soldiers to fight the battle) 300 soldiers against 132,000 seems like lack to me...

Except When I know and believe that the 300 + You are MORE. YOU + ONE or YOU + 0 is still more (especially knowing that You did not even use Gideon's Army to fight or win the battle, YOU caused the midianite soldiers to attack each other and kill each other, just like You did with the syrian army - they were running from absolutely nothing).

Help me to wisely use what I have now (by allowing You take-over my mind and body), so that You Will be Glorified through what You have Allowed me to have access-to!

I am the branch, Whatever You as the "Vine" "My Supplier" Supply-me-with; is the fruit I will manifest!

HELP me to understand that You SUPPLY, YOU PROVIDE and YOU TRAIN ME through Favor or a Chastising Experience, either-way YOU have already supplied-me with ALL THAT I NEED for the moment or the season. I or others may call it lack, but YOU said, to be content with it, and to glory-in-it because it's Your Will for me in order for me to grow, be strengthened and/or for Your Glory.

Whether it's Chastisement because of my mistake or Training for my Next Level; both seasons are preparing me to establish Your Kingdom on earth as Your Kingdom is in Heaven! You knew one of them were needed and You knew one of them was coming at this time of my life. So, I Praise You for allowing me to be IN-You in this tough or easy period or season of my life!

(just like the butterfly: when it flies, it shows Your Glory, when I Live for You, I show-off Your Glory). This body is Yours, I am not my own..I cannot have my own way! I cannot determine which season I want to experience because YOU HAVE ALREADY SET AND FINISHED ALL OF THE SEASON'S OF MY LIFE, THE GOOD AND THE BAD..I Choose how I respond to each season, I choose to respond by Your Words of Peace, Acceptance and Growing or I Respond with satan's words that says "a good god wouldn't allow this bad situation to happen; so I'm leaving god or I'm kicking, i'm revolting or i'm complaining. I won't respond the wrong way!

I won't be like adam and eve and focus on the one-tree that You said, I could not have. I won't forget about the last 100 days that were pleasant and easy, I Praise-You, I Worship-You, I obey-You and I Bless You at all times for the Million Trees and Blessings that You said I COULD HAVE! (which also trains my mind to be totally-made-up and "un-persuadable -unmovable" when satan comes to tempt me with the one thing you said, I couldn't have)!!!

Lord I command Your Angels to totally surround me, right now and go to work in this situation of ________________

or as I go into: this battle, this task, this Work, this day to accomplish ________

or to deal-with this situation of ___________

or to deal with these people_______ or this person______, even myself!

or to deal-with this stronghold_____, this sin______, that is difficult to let go!

or this pressure of _________ that is pressing-in on me even now…

I Thank You Jesus for manifesting Yourself in the form of _________; the help, the peace, the solution, the response _____ that I need NOW!! MANIFEST YOURSELF LORD!

Your Angels help You and You and My Angels are helping me, now....hallelujah!

I know sometimes if feels-like, it looks-like and the things I am experiencing screams, You are not helping me, but in actuality YOU ARE AND YOU HAVE (You said, to get an understanding of how You-are and how You-have).

Just-because I don't understand or because I wanted You to help me in a different-type-of-way, doesn't mean that You have not already helped me...I will accept and be in-peace and content with HOW YOU HAVE ALREADY HELPED ME!

You said, “For He (You-God) shall give His-Your Angels charge over me, to keep me, protect-me, in-form-me and guide-me in All of my ways at all times.” (Psalm 91:11).

I need YOUR ANGELIC SOLDIERS and I THANK YOU FOR THEM for warring in the Spirit for my wisdom, my knowledge, my understanding, my confidence, my belief, my courage and to help me stay in You and under Your Authority at all times, Hallelujah…thank You Jesus.

You said Lord, “And let the Angel of the Lord chase him … And let the Angel of the Lord pursue them … Let the destruction come upon him unexpectedly.” (Psalm 35:5-8) I Thank You Jesus for commanding Your Angels to war for Me…and help me when anyone (dare) tries to come against me or You in any way, shape or form! I am always protected from hurt, harm, danger and deception.

You said Lord, Your Anointing Destroys this stronghold, this mindset, this pressure that satan has had on me! and that is pressuring me, even now!

You said, Lord Jesus, “Behold, I sent an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20) thank You, Jesus,

And I also know that Your-old testament scriptures are a fore-shadowing of what was and is and has come, which is YOU-Jesus; who is in-me In Your Fullness Right Now!

So every old testament scripture that I reference is still talking about You-Jesus...You may have used Angels before You-Jesus walked the earth and gave-up Your Body for me, but I do know that You are now that Angel of the Lord also....So Either-way, I am protected and I always will have all that I need, via You my Spirit or My Mantle of Angels....

I will allow Your Angels to keep me and guide me so that I can get to where You have me to be and I will always get there right on-time (just like Abraham and that ram) I Thank You Jesus. I will choose to follow and trust their leading and guiding.

You also said Lord, “Are they not all Ministering Spirits sent forth to minister to those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)

I Thank You for Your Salvation and Your Ministering Angels….

You also said, “satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers/demons also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Cor. 11:14).

"I WILL NOT BE DECEIVED BY THEM anymore. BECAUSE, I AM INTENTIONALLY LISTENING TO YOU AND FOR YOU and You said, You would fill me up when I thirst and hunger after Your Righteousness! I Thank You for Filling me with You in Your Fullness, so that I have "no-room" or no-time in my mind for satan and his foolish-deadly thoughts.


You hardly ever manifest what You desire for me to have, in a way that I think You should or Hope You would have manifested it! YOU SAID, FOR ME TO BE STILL AND KNOW AND TO BE CONFIDENT THAT IT IS DONE. Because You Finished My Ending before You Started my Beginning!


And in 2 KINGS 7;

Through ELISHA; You said, by this time tomorrow, The famine will be over and the Words Coming out of my mouth will be manifested. And Also in Elisha 7, when the lepers made up their minds to go into the Syrians-army camp, it was like You-Jesus, saying never-the-less have Your Way God, and I know I must make-up my mind to do the hard thing that requires absolute and total belief in YOU GOD; BRINGING ME OUT of this tough situation, just like Esther, Daniel, Moses, Abraham and the Hebrew boys etc. They all had to make up their minds "TO-DO" WHAT THEY WERE BELIEVING YOU WOULD HAVE THEM TO DO!

In 2 Kings 7: You are warning me AND encouraging-me, to never doubt what You and Your Word Says and that You can deliver me, Help me and Provide for me in a million different ways and most-times I am worried about a situation that You have already rectified, already corrected and have already blessed.

You can make my enemy run from something that is not even there. You can cause my bad situation to correct-it-self supernaturally, You can make my enemy run from their own imagination without my participation at all (while I am asleep). Even in another miraculous situation with Elisha, he Asked You to blind Aram's Army "as" the army was rushing to attack them..No one asked You to make the Syrian Army run away..You just did what You was planning to do and have done! In many of the battles, You only required that they show-up, many times they did not have to physically fight...such as what You did with Jehoshaphat


2 Timothy 4:18

Lord You said, that You will rescue me from every evil deed (every stupid mistake I make and every bad situation I find myself-in) and You said, "You" will bring me safely into Your Heavenly Kingdom. I will Glorify You and You will be the glorified forever and ever. And I thank You that Your Angels do this work for You also (as they did with the Hebrew boys, Elisha, Daniel and many others).

You hardly ever rescue me or deliver-me how I think You will deliver me! I just gotta KNOW THAT YOU WILL AND YOU HAVE ALREADY DELIVERED ME AND GOT ME OUT OF THIS TROUBLE OR HARD-PLACE. IT STARTS WITH HOW I THINK ABOUT THIS "so-called" hard-place. If I think about it the way You think about it. Most Times, Its really not a hard-place, it's showing me how to get to my next big blessing AND to my Next Level in You!


Your angels are messengers that You use in the Spiritual and the Natural Realms. They are spirit that can also take on human form and appear visibly to us.

In Genesis 19:1 "And there came two angels to Sodom...Lot seeing them...bowed himself...vs. 3 they...entered into his house...vs 12 And the men said unto Lot...." The angels spoke! Vs. 15. "And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying. Arise..."

Exodus 3:2, "And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire.."

Numbers 22:23, .."And the ass saw the angel of the Lord..." Animals can see angels!

Judges 2:1"And an angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal...and said, I made you to go up out of Egypt..."

1 Chronicles 21:16, "And David lifted up his eyes, and saw an angel of the Lord stand between earth and heaven, having a drawn sword in his hand..."

Matthew 1:20 "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph..."

Acts 12:7 "And behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and he raised him up saying, Arise up quickly..."

I could go on and on!

I praise You for my understanding  of 1 Corinthians 13:12 and 13 

I Thank You Lord for My Angels That are powerful and speak and are near me at all times.



You left record showing us how Your Angel(s) shut the mouths of the Lions:

19 At the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’ den. 20 When he came near the den, he called to Daniel, in an anguished voice, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?”

21 Daniel answered, “May the king live forever! 22 My God sent His Angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions (I can only imagine what that looked-like, that Angel holding that lion's mouth shut). They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.”

23 The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.......25 Then King Darius wrote to all the nations and peoples of every language in all the earth: 26 “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel."

God, You allowed and orchestrated that sequence of events so that YOU would be glorified and so that Your children and that nation would believe in You and be drawn to You! That experience wasn't for Daniel alone, it was for Your Glory and for the King to see and experience You at work and then issue a decree to his country that all will serve You. You deliver me and prosper me for Your Glory and for individuals to be drawn to You!

Because You know that others will see and hear how You Blessed Me, Prospered me and Delivered me from this tough situation, that will cause many and whole nations to believe In-You Jesus. My Tough Situation is always for Your Glory and for others to be inspired to accept You and Your Will for their lives.

The Launching and the Success of the PC Debit Card is for Your Communication purposes, Your Economic purposes, Your Glory and for Millions to be drawn to You to Serve and Live-in Your Kingdom here on earth and in Heaven forever and ever! That is the only reason You will bless the PC Debit Card and this I Am Ministry!


16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

21 Then these three men were thrown into the fiery furnace.

25 Then the king saw four men in the fire and said, Did-not we put three men in the fire? Then Why is it that I see four men in the fire?, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have not been hurt at all; and the fourth man looks like the Son of God.

26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, came forth of the midst of the fire.

27 And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the "fire" (satan) had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

28 Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent HIS ANGEL, and delivered his servants that trusted in Him, and have "changed the king's word", and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

(I know You and Your Angels can Change Christy's Word and Mind and speak to the 5,315 partners and service providers needed to release the PC Debit Card to serve Your Communities and organizations, as well as all the others needed to cooperate with this PC Project. You will do this; Simply Because of "my" Trust and obedience to You and Your PC Debit Card and I Am Ministry that You have given to me to release)!


Your Angels came and minstered-to-You, They took care of You, in Your time of need.

In verse 12, You said, The Spirit immediately drove You (Jesus) out into the wilderness.13 And You was in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by satan. And You was with the wild animals, and the Angels were ministering to You. Angels were governing, guiding, strengthening and protecting You the whole-time that You were in the wilderness,

And I know and I understand, They are protecting and strengthening me in the same way, right now! That's my confidence, That's my excitement and That's my encouragement to endure and go forth with the plans that You have given to me. I praise You God for my mantle of Angels that are assisting me right now!


Lord God, in Luke 22:40 Your Angels even ministered to You in Your Humaneity and I know if "YOU" needed Angels in (Your sin-less flesh), How much more do I need them in my broken-flesh...Hallelujah, You said........

39 You came out and went, as was Your custom, to the Mount of Olives, and Your disciples followed You. 40 And when You came to the place, You said to Your Disciples, “Pray so that you won't enter into temptation.” 41 And then You left them and prayed alone a few yards away. 42 You said in Your Prayers, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup, this assignment, this heaviness from me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” 43 And there appeared to You (Jesus) an Angel from heaven, strengthening You. 44 And You being in agony, You prayed more earnestly; You prayed so hard that Your sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.[g] 45 And when You stood-up from praying, You went to the disciples and they were sleeping because they were in sorrow, 46 and You said to them, “Why are you sleeping? And then You told them Again, Get-up and pray (talk-to-me, seek-me) so that you won't enter into temptation (fall for the-sin-the-thought) satan is offering or suggesting.”

I Thank You, that I have a heart and a mind to Pray (talk, sing or worship) to You at all times so that I won't give into temptation or unbelief in Your promises to me or what You are telling me to do right now or what You need me to believe-You-for, so that I won't give-in-to or fall-for any types of sin, thoughts, reactions or responses that are not from YOU!

And I thank You for My Angels that will minister to me and strengthen me when temptations, pressure or fear enters my mind and I praise You for My Angels and Your Spirit that is strengthening me and manifesting You in the form of Belief, Wisdom, Courage and Knowledge for this assignment and this decision (The PC Debit Card & the I Am Ministry) and for this work that You require that I do today.

So Basically, I totally Believe You and Will Allow You to Manifest Yourself through me right now however You desire to manifest Yourself!

And I noticed that You did not command or call the Angels that came and ministered to You and I also noticed that when the Angels came and ministered to You, it wasn't to relieve You or free You, but they empowered-You and encouraged-You to pray more earnestly and harder until Your sweat was as great drops of blood.

So Your Angels did not make it "easier" or "comforting" for You, They empowered You and Encouraged You to Go Harder to do what God needed You to do. My Angels empower me to Go Harder, not easier to do Your Will and so that I can move beyond all fear and unbelief of what You require me to do "right-now" at this moment! YOU MANIFEST YOURSELF IN THE NOW OF THE MOMENT!

My Angels comforting-me, is not-to-say that they will make it easy, it is-to-say, that they will encourage me and empower-me to keep on going especially when the task is hard, difficult, unbelievable or unknown!

Daniel (10:18) says, one of Your Angels that had the appearance of a man, touched him and strengthened him. I thank You right now for the strength I need to with-stand and respond how You (God) want me to respond right now.

Angel of the Lord deal with this ___________________________________ (right now)!

I know strength comes as a result of revealed information, knowledge or seeing manifestation of this situation.....I Thank You for revealing______________________________!



YOU describe how YOU allowed Your Army of Angels to lead horses and chariots of fire to protect the prophet Elisha and his servant and You Showed us how YOU opened the servant's eyes (his understanding) so that he could PHYSICALLY see Your Angelic Army surrounding them.

I praise You for my Knowledge-of and my Understanding and my Ability to see Your-My Angelic Host and My Mantle that is with me at all times, that out-numbers all demonic spirits or human persons that are trying to stop, hurt or hinder me and my family and those connected to me.

You described how the king's army tried to capture Elisha.

You said, the king of A-ram was mad at Elisha for being able to predict where his army was planning to go. Elisha was warning Israel’s king of Aram's plans. So A-ram sent his army to capture Elisha.

In Verses 14 to 15 A-rams army surrounded the city that night. And When Elisha's servant went out the next morning, and saw all the horses and chariots, he yelled 'Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?"

Elisha, calmly said "'Don’t be afraid, 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed, 'Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see the Army of Angels that are with us.' Then You Lord, opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of Angelic horses and chariots of fire all around them."

"AS" the enemy came down toward them, Elisha prayed to You Lord, 'Strike this army with blindness.' So You God, struck them with blindness, "as" (immediately) Elisha had asked. Elisha told (the-now) blind army; "You are on the wrong road and this is not the city, you are in the wrong city." Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.' And Elisha led them to Samaria."

And then In Verse 20 Elisha also prayed for the soldiers' sight to be restored, and You-God answered that prayer also, so that the army could-now finally see Elisha—and also the king of Israel, who was with him. Verses 21 to 23 Elisha and the king showed mercy to the army, holding a feast for the soldiers so that they could build friendship between Israel and Aram. Then Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.

I praise You Lord for giving me a heart and a mind to seek You and Your Perspective of my enemies. I praise-You for my understanding and my acceptance of knowing that my enemies are not human-beings and that I do not and I will not respond to humans. I will not even respond to myself! I will respond to You and Your Word only!

I Praise You for allowing me to see Into Your Spirit-realm for All situations (big & small) and I Praise You for giving me a heart to help those who are willfully or ignorantly trying to destroy or hinder me. I understand that my human-enemy is really my friend, my brother, my sister or my neighbor when I remove satan and his demonic-pressure and tactics from between us; Understanding that I can not remove satan through physical means, I remove satan by responding exactly how YOU SAY AND HAVE SAID TO RESPOND TO HIM, TO MAKE HIM FLEE AND TO CAST HIM OUT; REMOVE HIM..through Your Words and Your Love.... I love, respect and bring increase to everyone You Love! I HAVE NO HUMAN ENEMY!

satan and his thoughts are my only enemy!


In Genesis (28:10-13), You allowed Jacob to see into the Spirit realm and how Your Angels are going up to heaven from earth and coming back down. 12 And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder[b] set up on the earth (the ladder was setup on earth), and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the Angels of God were ascending (going-up to heaven) and descending (coming back down to earth) on it!

My Angels are assigned to earth. My Angels are always hear on earth with me. My Angels are not in heaven!

3 And behold, the Lord stood above it[c] and said, “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The "LAND" WHERE YOU ARE LAYING, I will "give" to you and to your CHILDREN.


This is my project, my provision, my land, MY TERRITORY and MY COMMUNITY and I know Your Angels are also protecting and allowing me to keep My land, my things and my projects also. My Angels won't allow me to lose anything today. I COMMAND MY ANGELS TO KEEP-ME AND PROTECT ME FROM ANY LOSS OR DECEPTION TODAY. I will listen intentionally and follow the leading and guiding of Your Spirit and My Angels, so that I do not lose what You have given to me (my wife, my children, my relationships, my resources, my money, my good health and all that You have promised). I AM BLESSED WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW! YOUR ANGELS WILL ENSURE THAT I STAY IN MY BLESSED PLACE! IT ALL STARTS BY ME KNOWING IN MY MIND THAT I AM ALREADY BLESSED AND I AM THE MANIFESTATION OF YOUR SUCCESS, I AM THE MANIFESTATION OF YOUR GLORY! I AM THE MANIFESTATION OF YOUR PROVISION!

God You said, in John 1:49:-51, 49 and Nathanael answered You, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel! ”50 and Jesus, when You saw him under the fig tree, You said, do you believe? Nathaniel said, Yes, And You told him because you Believe Me!, You will see greater things than these.”51 And You also said to Nathanael, “Truly, truly, I say to you,[m] you will see heaven opened, and the Angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

I Believe You and Your Word Jesus and I know You are allowing me to see into Your Spirit Realm also! I won't allow unbelief or fear to keep me from seeing into Your Spirit Realm. Seeing into Your Spirit Realm Allows me to stay in-sync and in-belief with You!

In Zachariah one and nine Your Angel talked with Zachariah and explained to Zachariah what he was seeing. Your Angel verbally explained to him, who the man on the red horse was and Your Angel explained the white horses to him.

You are no-respect of person; and I know Your Angels, My Angels will explain unknowns to me also. Zachariah asked the question to "YOU", but Your "Angel" explained the situation to Zachariah.

Your Angels explained Your Birth and Your use of them to Joseph and Mary and Your Angels protected You after Your Birth (when the king was trying to find-out who You were and kill You) and Your Angels lead the wisemen to You and I can go on and on as to how Your Angels work in this earthly realm for us and I praise You for this understanding of You and Your-My Angels.


So right-now, I command my angels to provide the specific answers for _______ and what I need to do and how I need to handle this situation so that Your Will, will be done and You Christ will get all the Glory and Your Children will receive what You need them to receive through me.

Then I said, ‘What are these, my lord?’ The Angel who talked with me said to me, ‘I will show you what they are (Zachariah 1:9)

To the Angel of the Lord standing near I need You to:___________________________

__________________________________________________________________________ Because God has set this ______________________ in motion for me before the foundation of the world...

I Thank You and Praise You Lord for allowing me to know that My Angelic Hosts has taken-care of this situation of ____________ for me along with other unseen and unknown actions that I do not know to pray-for.

I Thank You Lord for my peace, my contentment and my confidence in what You and Your Angels and Your Spirit have done, is doing and will do today, right now!

You Bless me because I am Your Righteous Child and You Cover me with Your Shield; that is what You confirmed to me in Psalm 5:12.

Genesis 24:40

40 But he said to me, ‘The Lord, before Whom I have walked, will send His Angel with you and prosper your way.

In Genesis Twenty Four: Your Angels Orchestrated Isaac and Rebekah's Meeting and Marriage without Isaac even being there. You and Your Angels "Caused" every action and every reaction from the time Abraham's servant left Abraham till the time Isaac married Rebekah.

You are so awesome in Your orchestration of my life! Help me to stay in TOTAL BELIEF of what You have already orchestrated for my life and what is done!

As I do Your Work Lord, I know You will Send Your Angels with me, so that I can prosper in everything that I set to do, so that You will be Glorified, and Your children will be drawn to You! You did it for Jacob in Genesis 24:40 and You are doing it for me now. You are Always Now!

But You also said, I have the tongues of Angels, meaning I command, I Tell Angels what I need them to do, not You! You Use My Mouth and My Tongue to Command Your Angels! (1 Corinthians 13:1)

And in Hebrews Two, You Said,

1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard (learned and was taught), lest we drift away from it, forget it and not take it literally or seriously.

2 For since the message (Your Word) declared by Angels (and your prophets & pastors) proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedient-act received a justifiable consequence,

3 how shall we escape (make-it, or be successful) if we neglect (don't take it seriously or literally) such a great salvation (what You have done and made available for us to use to live a great life)? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested (witnessed and experienced) by those who heard, saw and experienced You,

4 while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to Your Will.


So Lord Jesus, Help me to discern and try every spirit by Your Spirit hallelujah..I will not be deceived…I WILL BELIEVE AND I WILL DO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING AND WHAT YOU HAVE SAID!

You said, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:1-4)


I will use Your Words to Speak Directly to satan, to My Angels and to my mind (so that I can confidently "choose" to "allow" Your Mind to take-over and be in me, as Your Mind, Your Thoughts, Your Word was and is in-Christ Jesus, now).
You said, after I have engaged satan, using Your Words; You said, Your Angels and my Comforter will minister to me, settle me down, comfort me and assure me that What You and I have just did, is done. Just like You Jesus, leaving the Garden of Gesemene, You knew my Salvation was secured when You left the Garden...So now, because I believe, like You believe (YOU ARE MY BELIEF MANIFESTED) I can accept Your-Peace and Your Word about this situation!
Because You Said, That You Watch-over Your Word and You make-sure that YOUR WORD (that I am Speaking Right Now) HAPPENS! My Blessing and Your Glory is manifested in How I Respond, right now!
My Faith is Manifesting in My Acting-on what You are saying, Right Now, at this time. You said "Now-Faith", You Said Faith comes by "Hearing"...Hear-ing is Present-Tense" Hearing You Now and Acting-on What You are say-ing Now! That's what makes my-Faith a substance, a reality; acting-on what You are saying RIGHT NOW, AT THIS MOMENT!
now, let's go to work on satan and renewing my mind:

It is written and confirmed in Exodus 15:3 and 6 that My God, My Lord is a man of war; “The Lord-Jesus” is Your Name … Your Right Hand, IS MY Glorious Power; Your Right Hand, has already dashed you-satan into pieces (when Jesus went down into hell and took all of your authority and power and embarrassed you in front of your fallen angels).

The greatness of My Lord Jesus’ excellence Have overthrown you and all those that rose-up against me and Him; My Awesome Lord-Jesus sent forth His wrath and consumed you and all your spiritual brothers like stubble.” (Exodus 15:3,6)

“My Lord goes forth like a mighty man; He stirs up His zeal like a man of war. He cries out, yes, He shouts aloud; He has prevailed against you and I am in Him and He is in me and I have prevailed against you satan.” (Isaiah 42:13)

“You fool demon, you know, because I know you read it and you are experiencing the defeat of how My God, My Lord, Jesus Christ has gone before me and made my crooked path’s straight, even the one’s I messed-up myself. My Lord Jesus Christ has broken you and your gates into pieces and has already cut your bars of iron in half. (you know what Isaiah 45:2 says).

“You defeated spirit, you know and you understand that my God and My Lord goes before me as a consuming fire. He has destroyed all of you and brought you down in front of me Hallelujah; And Has given me the authority and power over you, to drive you out of me and everyone I love and you are destroyed right now.

So I command you now, to cease and desist your operations and presence in my life Hallelujah. I give you no rights, no entry-way and no legal access or no-grounds to remain where the Power of the Holy Spirit resides in me, my family, my business, my organizations and where the Blood of my Jesus Christ has defeated you.

I know and understand that Jesus' Blood, is a representative-Statement that Represents and Reminds me of the system that You-Jesus put into action when You Sacrificed and Resurrected Your Body just for me to have Your Life, Your Mind, Your Power and Your Authority.

Your System, Your Mind and my Angels continues to cover me right-now and I know you devil, you see the Blood, (You understand Jesus' Kingdom and My Power) and you gotta go and your death angel must pass-over me and all those connected to me, as the Lord has commanded you.” (Deuteronomy 9:3)

“My Lord Jesus and my Angels are fighting for me and my Prosperity Right Now. And through My Faith and my actions in My Lord Jesus Christ, I will hold my peace and Let my Awesome Lord, His Holy Spirit and His Holy Angels of war take you out of my situation so that God will be glorified through my faith and actions in HIM, Hallelujah, thank You Jesus. I will hold my peace which is simply my Lord and savior Jesus Christ manifesting Himself, Showing Himself through me right now AND HIS ANGELS WORKING THEIR WORKS FOR ME (Exodus 14:14)!

“My God commanded that I be not afraid of you and I am not. I will stand toe to toe, face to face with you because this is not my battle and My daddy, my Lord, Jesus Christ has already defeated you for me. Jesus Christ is my deliverer and He is with me now. (it is written and confirmed in Jeremiah 1:8).

“I am strong and courageous; I am not afraid, I am not dismayed at this problem, nor before all the multitude or legions of demons that are with you; because it is written and has been proven that there are more Angels with me than with you. you and your defeated cronies are mere defeated ghosts; I am in-Christ Jesus now, and my mighty Lord, God, Jesus is fighting this battle. So You gotta deal with him! (2 Chronicles 32:7).

“The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath me are His Everlasting Arms; He will thrust you out from before me, and will say, ‘Destroy!’ So satan you are destroyed ” (Deuteronomy 33:27). And you are really not my problem, me believing My Lord and renewing my mind to match His or replacing my mind with His Mind is my problem, not you!


“My Lord is faithful, He has established me and He guards me from you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

“My Lord has delivered me from your every evil work and He preserves me for His Kingdom.” (2 Tim. 4:18)

“God is for Me! and you or no one else can defeat me?” (Romans 8:31)

“When You come in like a flood, His Holy Spirit, my Comforter, My Guider, My Wisdom, My Knowledge will remind me that Jesus and His Word is my Standard.” (Is59:19).

Whose report will I believe? not yours...I believe What My Lord and Savior Has said, Will Say and IS SAYING ABOUT ME RIGHT NOW!

“you and I know that the Lord saves His Anointed, I am His Anointed; My Lord answers me from His Holy Heaven with the saving strength of His Right Hand.” (Psalm 20:6)

“Though I walk in the midst of the trouble that you try to bring, My Lord keeps and revives me; My Lord stretches out His hand against you and all of my enemies and His right hand saves and protects me.

My Lord PERFECTS & DEALS-WITH ALL" THINGS, SITUATIONS AND PEOPLE that concerns me …Hallelujah…Thank You Jesus…I Love you sooo” (Psalm 138:7).

Anything you can potentially send my way or that My Lord "ALLOWS" you to send my way is temporary. everything from you is temporary, to include you!

I cry out to my Lord-Jesus and He hears me, and delivers me out of ALL of my troubles (Psalm 34:17). I will use HIS-(GOD'S) PERSPECTIVE OF you and this tough SITUATION! AND WHAT HE IS "ALLOWING" FROM you!

I will not run from you; My Lord goes before me, and is my rear guard from you.” (Isaiah 52:12)

I will Not repay you or try to get revenge. I will Wait on My Lord, He alone saves me! (Proverbs 20:22). I will even go to sleep on you and rest knowing my Lord and Savior and HIS WARRING ANGELS are dealing-with you and eliminating you, His Way; that Will give Him Glory! EVEN WHILE I AM SLEEP!

I Thank You Lord for Psalms 1:29 that reminds me of the many times you-satan have afflicted me from my youth; yet you have not prevailed against me, not one time!

  • You tried to kill me on the streets of NJ, it didn't work.

  • You tried to kill me with that stroke, it didn't work

  • You tried to kill my son Armand many times with that ant allergy, it didn't work.

  • You tried to kill my relationship and influence on my children, it didn't work!

  • You tried to kill my reputation and my ministry, in Georgetown, it didn't work.

  • You used my wife and pastor as you tried to destroy me, my confidence and make me quit didn't work.

  • you send that fool spirit of depression and suicide almost everyday and he fail everytime because MY GOD, MY SPIRIT, MY ANGELS HAS ALREADY GIVEN ME THE VICTORY OVER you and them all!

And that's just a few of the things you "tried" to do that didn't work, but YET your efforts to destroy me, made me stronger and better!!! Everything you send my way only makes be better and empowers-me to educate the next generation, so that they too will easily defeat you and ignore you!

… My Lord is Righteous; He has cut you in pieces and the cords of you and all your wicked spirits.” (Psalm 129:2)

“Yes, I give thanks to my Lord-Jesus for His Goodness, and for His wonderful works to me and my family! My Lord has broken the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron in two.” (Psalm 107:15-16)

“My God is a Just Judge, and He is angry with you and all those that allow you to use them every day. I serve notice to you now and all those that are talking about me, trying to hinder or stop-me; I command you to stop now, your life has ended, because my loving-daddy has sharpened His bow, fired it and killed you; just for saying or doing any wrong to me. As He says in Psalm 7:11 – that’s my daddy looking out for me, because I am looking-out for His Word, His Glory, His Kingdom and His people!

“My God guards my feet (every where I go) and I know you are trying to be silent and take advantage of me in these training, dark, tarrying and hard times (my bootcamp and strength training times). And I know, I cannot prevail against you with my own strength; But Hallelujah, I KNOW my God has ALREADY-PAST-TENSE broken you into pieces for me from heaven as he thunders against you.

My Lord judge the ends of the earth. He gives me strength (He is my Strength) because I’m His king and My Lord exalts my horn because I am His Anointed, as He says in (1 Samuel 2:9) because you are doing all you can-do; to try to get me not to believe it or live by it…but guess, what I GOT IT, I BELIEVE IT and I am using My God’s Word, Authority and Power against you..

“My Lord is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I trust; He’s my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my Stronghold. I call upon my Lord and my Angelic Host, My God is so worthy to be praised; and He saved me from you and all of my enemies.” (Psalm 18:2)!

“My Salvation is from the Lord because I am His Righteous; Jesus is (right-now-this moment) my Strength in the trouble you are trying to bring. And My Lord helps me and delivers me; He has delivered me from you and saved me, because I trust in Him. I Love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all that He has done, Is Doing and Will Do!” (Psalm 37:39)

“And you devil, you tried to deceive me, but Hallelujah, my Lord has already casted you into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast, the demons, the unbelievers and the false prophets are even-right-now. And you and all of your followers are being tormented day and night forever and ever.” That’s fact, that’s truth, that’s my happiness and that's My confession (Rev. 20:10), because I am not there with you!





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