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My PC Card

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

You are invited to explore the new

National Funding Platforms for

Economic Equality & Justice for All Reform.

One Million Individuals will receive $1,000 per month and One hundred thousand small businesses and nonprofits will receive $10,000 per month through the new PC personal and commercial debit cards.

We need your voice, your comments and your suggestions.

The Network is seeking to partner with organizations to make critical resources available to individuals and communities around the nation.

The committee would be honored to hear your comments or suggestions on the brief summary below, that outlines the Initial Launch Strategy.


LAUNCH STRATEGY - Phase One Card Distribution

ONE MILLION PERSONAL CARDS - $1000 Debit Purchasing Cards

  1. 100 Young Adults - to work the Business Centers and Incubators

  2. Probation, Parole, Incarcerated & DJJ

  3. Families in Poverty

  4. Youth Connect Cards Sports and Performing Artists

  5. Student Tuition and Student Loan Debt Card Program

  6. **Gangs & Drug Dealers to Business Project** Curbing violence through business ventures. Increasing the revenue, Keeping the hustle, simply changing the product and Work Environment! Transforming entire gangs and territories. Rinse-It-Out Project" The New Trap / The Real Kings of the Streets

100,000 COMMERCIAL CARDS - $10,000 per month

  1. Small Businesses

  2. Nonprofits, Churches, Community

  3. Groups, Teams & Classes etc


  1. 100 Black Male Voices leading the way see here

  2. 100 Sports & Entertainment Voices see here

  3. 30 National Organizations & Nonprofits

  4. 30,000 Small businesses, salons & barbers

  5. Local & National Media

  6. Elected officials

  7. Banks, Attorneys, Auto dealers, Grocers, Restaurants etc.

Each demographic is individually served using specific platforms, tools, events, and programs (games, events, tv shows etc. methods that are proven effective in each specific region).

The network will not use one for all concept for serving or communicating. Each message and service is crafted and delivered as needed for each community.

Work Plan Summary

· 25 Young Adults and local agencies will work-from and manage eight local Media Centers to serve the members and perform all work.

· Thirty local agencies, leaders, businesses, and service-providers will serve and counsel the network (see list).



Date: February 8, 2021 to 30,000 potential network users

Launch surveys to all 20 Niche demographics and groups of people.

Regional Test Launch: The network will serve 30,000 users who will join in the coastal regions of the Carolina’s. Wilmington, NC to Charleston, SC (Commercial and Personal Cards).

  • Niche Demographics: - One Million individuals who are in the Probation, Parole, & DJJ system or currently incarcerated.

  • 10,000 General Small businesses (existing and startup).

  • Startup Revenue: $210,000 will be generated through the survey & media partners to introduce the PC Commercial and Personal Debit cards and services.

  • National Launch July 2021, the network will launch nationally with 30,000 users to attract the additional One Million users.

No Risk Startup

The network is launched through conversations discussing workable solutions for poverty and criminal justice reform (through public tv, radio, online and print and a network of 50,000 barbers and salons nationwide).

The PC Debit Card is a national solution for a real national crisis that every corporation and leader will embrace. If there are any public criticisms; our immediate strategy and response will be “what is your solution to the poverty and violence in our Community.

The PC Debit Card is a national solution for a real national crisis that every corporation and leader will embrace. If there are any public criticisms; our immediate strategy and response will be “what is your solution to the poverty and violence in our communities?

Economic Equality & Justice for All blasts, blogs, social media, webpages, mobile apps, text blasts and data collection tools needed to launch the surveys are complete along with the contracts for the media partners and service providers needed to distribute the surveys across all platforms.

The network will simply distribute a survey that will serve as our information, data and marketing without any financial obligation or risk. The survey will cause the 30,000 to register and will provide the data that is needed to secure the contracts with the service-providers and the corporations.

Because Criminal Justice Reform is being demanded and resources for this demographic is critically needed in communities across the country, the efforts and solutions will be embraced and discussed throughout the country on all major platforms causing a Win, Win for all!



Project Summary

30,000 Individuals with Criminal Backgrounds and current charges will receive $1,000 per month to Restore their names and receive new careers, housing and jobs in return for their exclusive use of the PC Debit Card and website.

Network Income Source

1. 200 Corporations will pay $1000 per month per card user for their $15,000 in sales using the PC Debit Card and platforms.

2. Debit card Transaction fees from the 30,000 users.

Phase One Budget:

Thirty Million Dollars generated through 30,000 card users who are being paid $1,000 per month to use the card.


1. To release all Surveys to the ten different demographics (through the attached plan).

2. To present the results & applicants to the 200 participating corporations, service providers and banks.

3. Acquire the conversations and comments from the national Black Male Voices and the local media.

4. Launch the Registrations for The Pitch Television & Taping at the convention Center.

5. To determine a network of attorneys and administrators to serve the needs of the 30,000 members working through the eight Business Centers and Incubators.

6. Send Surveys and Service-Provider Invites to all partners needed to successfully serve the network.

a. See local and Corporate Service-provider list.

Establish the 1000 member black male

See Marketing Launch Plan with:

Survey and Registration Application Distribution and Promotions

· 100 Young Adults (Young Entrepreneurs in training) working every Monday evening.

· 3500 Statewide Small businesses (starting with the 50,000 salons and barbers)

· 90 Local Media Outlets – Wilmington, NC to Charleston, SC

· 20 National Black Celebrities



Funding Solutions for Carolina Small Businesses & Nonprofits



3500 Small Businesses and Organizations are watching and anticipating your responses

Survey Question (1) $_______.00 or ________%

Please provide an estimated dollar amount your company will sponsor The Pitch Television Show with for every 100 vetted Network members that use your company “Guaranteed” every season for your participation with the Network, The TV Show and the Business Incubators.

Survey Question (2) _A or _B

What is the best way for you to present your services to this group of 100 to 500 new clients?

A) Your company schedule group-presentations at one of the business incubator locations?

B) Or each client schedule one on one appointments with your company?

Email your answer:

Voicemail w/ answer (800) 948-5980

Your company receives your clients before you make any payments or provide any services to the members. The only requirement to get started is your announcement to the 500 organizations that Your company will serve their needs through B2B Network business incubator.



The funds member's receive are not free money, loans or grants and are not connected with the government and the network will not accept any government funding.
All Funding is generated through Group Contract Fees from the participating corporation and the debit card transaction fees.
In Order to qualify for the network's funds, members must have all of the criteria completed below, which positions all organizations for long-term success.
Completing these tasks also vets and prepares all members for the network's service-providers and your services.
The Network will NOT release funds to business owners that are operating in or under "provable-failing-situations and conditions"

The B2B Network and the Business Incubators will help all members complete all items listed below, so that they will qualify for the funding. The Network's priority is to serve struggling, failing or startup small businesses and organization's first. See website here.

All Applicants will qualify for the funding as long as you follow the criteria below and the counsel of the professional advisors. One thousand dollars of their funds are allocated to marketing and professional administration, who will ensure their organization's success and their qualification of their funding every month.


This process helps the network to vet all members for your service

__Budget (Realistic) – The Amount you receive each month is based-on this budget.

__Previous Tax History (If unavailable or you are a new startup; We will help to complete one).

__Daily Action Plan (Clear Goals, Vision, Mission & Purpose).

__Business Plan (up-to-date and realistic)

__legal business setup, All necessary license, tax id’s, & permits etc.

__If Nonprofit (Articles, bylaws, board, tax exempt, 501c3, Grant App etc.)

__Adequate Workspace/Office Space/ Operations facility etc.

__Branding: Logo, Business cards, Brochures, Stationary, and Promotional materials.

__Video Commercials and Strategies across all media platforms

__Website (working, effective, accept payments, connected to social media & user-friendly).

__Business Phone Number & Address

__Business Email Accounts

__Social Media (fb, linked-in, twitter, snapchat etc. all relevant to your products, services and audience).

__Resumes and Bios on all owners/leaders.

__List of Associations & Networks (chambers of commerce & Industry associations etc.)

__Business Partners: (Industry Consultant, Banker, Insurance, Attorney, Bookkeeper, Media Rep, Auto Rep).

__list of Industry Specific Vendors & Suppliers (needed to operate and grow).

Stay In-Touch, put your name on the list here

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