Small businesses & nonprofits, Register now and receive a package of media and administrative services valued at $1200 for only $300.
Your $300 Registration fee pays for the services you need to qualify for the funding and it positions your business or nonprofit to work with any major agency or corporation and will help you to qualify for various grants and government contracts etc. See list of services available. New startups and struggling businesses and nonprofits are encouraged to apply.
Corporations are doing all they can to position to qualify for the $10,000 because you must spend all $10,000 a month with them. You are receiving over $2500 worth of media and administration services to start, expand and grow your business or ministry.
Dear Community leader,
The Carolina Business to Business Network along with several agencies are working on a solution that will provide long-term funding
for small businesses and nonprofits.
The network is currently seeking 500 small business owners, nonprofits and community leaders who will agree to use one commercial purchasing card, website and mobile app to sell and purchase all of their services and products and pay all of their operations, bills, payroll and expenses every month through these platforms in return for $10,000 per month.
The network is looking to better understand if this project will work in this state and your profile came up as a good fit given your work and experience with your business or organization.
The Sixty Million Dollar Group-Purchasing Project.
500 small businesses and nonprofits per region are awarded $1,500 to $10,000 per month to pay for their operational expenses.
All funds must be spent using the PC financial platforms and the participating corporations. Corporations pay the network for the guaranteed customers and the PC Network pays the members with cash, bill payments and services for using the PC card and the platforms.
Register now to take advantage of the funding and the contracts that are available from the Sixty Million Dollars.
You have been invited to participate in this $60 Million Dollar Group Purchasing Project. This is not free money, loans or grants. It is the amount of money corporations will pay 500 small businesses, nonprofits and their base of members and influencers for purchasing their products and services.
The Network will Introduce this funding project and communicate with the community creatively through The New $10,000 Pitch Television Show.
500 Small Businesses and Nonprofits will receive $10,000 per month for buying and selling all of their services and products on the website, mobile app and with the debit card.
Phase one:
- 500 will use the card and website in return for the money, customers, clients and services.
- One Million People Purchase from the Website
To support their nonprofits and businesses who are offering their services on the website.
To make it possible for two billion dollars to be returned-back into their families, kids, schools and communities through the PC personal service cards that are available through the networks.
The B2B Network is seeking to better understand how group purchasing from major corporations will affect and sustain our local small businesses and organizations especially now because of the effects of the COVID pandemic on the community.
A Real Stimulant with Monthly Residual Revenue for Continual Long-term Growth.
$10,000 per month to maintain and or Grow your Business or Nonprofit? Take the survey here.
These two projects will provide critical funding and
resources for groups of 500 small businesses and nonprofits who has annual revenues and budgets under $150,000.
Individually, each B2B member has a monthly operation's budget just over $5,000 and less than $100,000 per year. However, collectively, purchasing together through the Carolina B2B Network, this group will spend $3.7 Million dollars per month and over forty five million per year ($45,000,000).
The B2B Network's primary responsibility is to maintain group-corporate contracts, industry-specific service providers and a niche-based pool of customers and clients for each B2B member and the group as a whole.
It's through these group corporate contracts, the card, the memberships and online transaction fees that your organization or small business is able to make up to $10,000 per month just for using the network and the PC financial platforms.
Watch the process and the conversations here. See what the corporations are saying about your organization, your purpose and the four million dollars they will make from you spending with this group every single month.
For years and years, the local corporations has been receiving your four million dollars a month and your forty five million dollars a year, however you and the community have-not and "are-not" benefitting from your dedication to their corporation!
Now, there is a platform and a system to allow small groups to purchase together in a way that will allow actual financial returns and not just credits, rebates, points or discounts etc.
When we purchase as a group "WE-ALL" will generate $5,000 to $10,000 in-cash, every month (not discounts, not credit, not points, CASH)!
Add your name to the list by taking the survey here to stay informed with all conversations with local banks and corporations (email: or online here.
The network and the funders need your comments.
Are you willing to use one specific Commercial Debit Card to purchase all of your daily expenses (operations, payroll and equipment etc.)? You are not required to purchase anything outside of your daily needs.
$10,000 is available every single month for your business or organization.
Comment Below and/or take the survey here. see more here...or simply put your name on the list by emailing here (
The funds are provided on the PC Commercial Debit Card.
Take the Survey here
Subscribe here to the News Magazine (to stay informed of the process and funding).
Submit the list of services you need. This form will also determine the amount of funding you will receive, based on the size of your organization and your budget.
Your Business and Marketing Services that you signed-up to receive.
Planning and preparing for your new 499 clients and customers.
Preparing your video and presentation for The Pitch Television Show.
Attend Monday Night Zoom and Information Sessions (in-person, zoom, virtual, conference call).
As of March 1, 2021
Time: Estimated 45-60 Days
Estimated date of the first round of 500 - April 15, 2021
Until that date you will work-on completing all the criteria for the long-term success of your business or project.
Funds are released when all 500 Small businesses are registered.
Individually, most B2B members has a monthly operation's budget of less than $10,000 per month and less than $100,000 per year. However, collectively, purchasing together through the Carolina B2B Network, this group will spend $3.7 Million dollars per month and over forty five million per year ($45,000,000).
Stay in the know of how the Forty Million Dollars will be spent this year.
This group gives you Access, A Voice and $10,000 per month cash for using the PC financial platforms. See how here
Subscribe to the News Magazine to stay up-to-date with all network activity.
Your Subscriptions gives you access to the Business Centers, Incubators and the Webinars and Zoom Calls.
Dear Community leader,
Your name and profile came up because you are an owner or leader of a business, organization or project in the community.
The Carolina Business to Business Network along with several agencies are working on a solution that will provide long-term funding for small businesses and nonprofit organizations through a group purchasing network. The network is seeking 500 to 3500 small business owners and community leaders who will agree to use this commercial purchasing card for their daily operations, bills, payroll and expenses every month.
The network is looking to better understand if this project will work in your state and county and your profile came up as a good fit given your work and experience with your business or organization.
More specifically, we are trying to better understand how group purchasing from major corporations will affect and sustain our local small businesses and organizations especially now because of the effects of the COVID pandemic on the community.
Up to ten thousand dollars per month is available for organizations who will commit to spending these funds on their daily operations and bills using the PC Debit card, the website and the financial platforms.
Please take the quick (two question) online survey(30 seconds) and upon completion you will be able to see and stay up-to-date on all communications from the corporations, media and the other participating small businesses and organizations through the “follow-the-money app”.
If you are interested in helping to make this project a reality for the local small businesses and organizations in your area, please take the survey and put your name on the list to ensure you are one of the recipients, when the funds are ready for distribution. You will receive all details and instructions via email and the website. Feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
Happy surveying and funding!
Best regards,
Director of Operations | South Carolina
+1 (800) 948 5980 | Market Researcher
What makes this funding so unique?
This is not free money, loans or grants and this project is not connected to any government agencies, funding or any charitable organizations. The network is designed and purposed to operate without government or public funding of any kind. The funding is provided through group-purchasing contracts from the corporations that are partnered with the network.
In Order to qualify for these funds you must have all of the criteria completed below, which positions your organization for success. The Network will NOT release funds into "provable-failing-situations" The B2B Network will help you complete all items listed below, so that you will qualify for the funding and grow. The Network's first priority is to serve struggling, failing or startup small businesses and organization's. See website here.
All Applicants will qualify for the funding as long as you follow the criteria below, use the business incubators and the counsel of the professional advisors. One thousand dollars of the funds that you receive must be allocated to marketing and professional administration, who will ensure your organization's success and your qualification of your funding every month.
THE ITEMS BELOW MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE FUNDING (Your registration fees are used to help complete all items needed to position your business or organization for these funds and for success (professional local agencies and companies are contracted to assist in this process).
(Your $300 Registration fees pays for these services)
(to start, sustain or grow your business or nonprofit:
__Your Pitch Television Video
__Budget (Realistic) – The Amount you receive each month is based-on this budget.
__Previous Tax History (If unavailable or you are a new startup, you will be assisted).
__Daily Action Plan (Clear Goals, Vision, Mission & Purpose).
__Business Plan (up-to-date and realistic)
__legal business setup, All necessary license, tax id’s, & permits etc.
__If Nonprofit (Articles, bylaws, board, tax exempt, 501c3, Grant App etc.)
__Adequate Workspace/Office Space/ Operations facility etc.
__Branding: Logo, Business cards, Brochures, Stationary, and Promotional materials.
__Video Commercials and Strategies across all media platforms
__Website (working, effective, accept payments, connected to social media & user-friendly).
__Business Phone Number & Address
__Business Email Accounts
__Social Media (fb, linked-in, twitter, snapchat etc. all relevant to your products, services and audience).
__Resumes and Bios on all owners/leaders.
__List of Associations & Networks (chambers of commerce & Industry associations etc.)
__Business Partners: (Industry Consultant, Banker, Insurance, Attorney, Bookkeeper, Media Rep, Auto Rep).
__list of Industry Specific Vendors & Suppliers (needed to operate and grow).
Stay In-Touch, Do Not miss-out on this funding, put your name on the list here
Download and print the packet
Additional Information
53% of Americans making less than $75,000 per month are right-now, living check to check with one step away from eviction or repossessions or hungry. And the COVID-19 has not made it any better, but worse. A one-time stimulus check or the one-time tax return each year is not the solution for a sustained route to recovery or a better quality of life.
The Perfect Connection Debit Card and PC Platforms that will serve 50 Million Americans with an average of one thousand dollars per month in extra income just for using the debit card and the PC platforms.
This is not free money, grants, loans or government funding. All card users must spend a minimum amount each month with the service providers, using the debit card in order to receive the various services, products and funding that is available to serve the card user’s specific need.
The card is available to Individuals, Groups, businesses and nonprofits.
3500 Small Businesses and organizations will receive the Ten Thousand dollars per month per region or county per state.
As part of the first promotional campaign, the network is offering free phone service paid for life for the first One Million Individuals to apply for the card or to reserve their service slot.
The first round of services are scheduled to begin early 2021 with the Official Phase One Launch Date.
The PC Card and the Network Platforms are simply group purchasing platforms from major corporations.
Our online survey is quick (30 seconds) and upon completion you will be able to see and stay up-to-date on all communications from the corporations, media and the other participating small businesses and organizations through the “follow-the-money app”.
If you are interested in helping to make this project a reality for your family, business or organization and for the millions of families and communities around the country please take the survey and put your name on the list to ensure you are one of the recipients when the funds and cards are released. You will receive all details and instructions via email and the website. Feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.
The funding is provided through the Perfect Connection Card and Platforms.
The First Ten Thousand Business Applicants will Receive totally free phone service for life.