Dear Business Leader,
A group of local students has developed a national group-purchasing card and a business to business network that will provide critical funding and resources for groups of 3500 small businesses and nonprofits, these groups will also serve as guaranteed vetted clients for the corporate partners, such as your bank.
The solution to helping more teams, athletes and programs who do not have numbers and resources.
The YSC card pays for various services and products each month up to $200. The $7 per month fee and the transaction fees and other platform uses used by the the entire family pays for the services and products provided by the card.
The $200 per month is not free money for the athlete, the team or family. Funds generated by the corporate contracts and the transaction fees from the other family purchases
We are seeking your professional "first response" feed-back on this national funding project that will be launched nationally from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Each franchise paying a little, in-return for your guaranteed minimum purchases will fund millions of kids, families and programs.
The Model: The network bundles & sells 2700 of your $10 or less meals with its registrations & tickets etc.
Each corporation is asked to pay a contracted amount on every $20,000 your company is paid by the PC Card Network through the PC platforms and the Youth Sports Connect Card Network (see survey here).
The Network Never Requests Donations, Grants, Free Money, Removing the Politics and personal
"free runs-out"
The needs of the one million new kindergarteners every year entering the community does not!
Viewing this project as an immediate funding solution for thousands of nonprofits and small businesses; please provide your professional feed-back (negative or positive).
Your company is invited to experience the new (IPA) Instant Purchase Alert Mobile App and CSP (Cashless Sponsorship Project) developed by a group of local college students to provide funding for local youth athletes and teams.
The Carolina Sports Network bundles and sells 2700 of your gift certificates or products through the IPA App and the event tickets to the network’s base of 30,000 members and supporters averaging $20,000 or more per week.
No upfront money or investment is required…You simply pay your agreed amount after you receive your $20,000 check each week (the entire process is tracked electronically in real-time on the website).
Your Company Receives Your check before You make any payments or commitments. All we need to get started is your ok and the product you want sold.
The Sports Connect Card is launching with 500 teams and 5,000 youth athletes and families are contracted to purchase a minimum amount of product each week in-order to receive the services or funding that is provided with their card.
Looking forward to working with your company.
Take the survey here or email a quick response to
Your company simply provides authorization to the network to sell a specific product or $10 gift certificate to your company.
100 teams will register by purchasing
5,000 youth Athletes will register for card by purchasing a meal.
National launch by the 50 pro-athletes
links to register on all local media websites and social media
Your company receives its check or electronic transfer automatically for every $20,000 worth of your products that are purchased through the card, website, events and mobile apps.
Click here to grant the network permission to offer your gift certificates to the network registrants.
There are 3500 nonprofits and small businesses watching the process and your response will help the committees to move to the next stage of the process.
Your company is invited to learn how you can take advantage of the five hundred network members and The athletes.
The Carolina Business to Business Network along with several agencies are working on a solution that will provide long-term funding for small businesses and nonprofit organizations through a group purchasing network. The network is seeking 3500 small business owners and community
The network is looking to better understand if this project will work in our state.
More specifically, we are trying to better understand how group purchasing from major corporations will affect and sustain our local small businesses and organizations especially now because of the effects of the COVID pandemic on the community.
A great source for Quarterly budgeting - Guaranteed Sales - Year Round
Please take the survey start the process of developing 100 Businesses and Organizations every Season (every four months). 100 New Commercial Business Accounts are available to your bank every four months for sponsoring the Television Show and the Business Incubator.
2022 Group Funding Project
3500 teams and programs and 10,000 youth athletes are watching and anticipating your responses
Survey Question (1) $_______.00 or ________%
Please provide an estimated dollar amount your company will sponsor The Youth Sports Connect Card
Email your answer:
Voicemail w/ answer (800) 948-5980
Stay In-Touch, put your name on the list here