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$1,000 Per Month for Ten Million Families

My PC Card

Updated: Jan 16, 2021

Is it worth a shot. A team of Young Adults in Conway, South Carolina has Developed a Debit Card, Mobile App and website that will fund 20,000 Small Businesses and Organizations and One Million Households per region or state across America. Through private funds only.

Yes, it is being done without waiting on the 435 Congressman or the 100 Senators to agree on how to serve their constituents.

The Carolina Business to Business Network is currently in phase-one surveying and testing this project in the Coastal Carolina Region, Wilmington, North Carolina to Charleston, South Carolina. Take the quick 30 Second Survey here.

Take the survey or register for $7 to add your name, family, business or organization to the funding list now.

A Long-Term Solution to Success and not just a one-time Stimulus Check or even a Tax Refund.
The PC Card is a monthly $1000 stimulus to 150 Million Americans living from Pay check to pay check.
It's NOT Free, Government Money, Loans or Grants..

How is this possible and why haven't any other company put this into action.

The cardholders are the shareholders.

take-out the card or cards you are using now and research how much the banks and shareholders are making from just one of your credit or debit cards and your use of their banking institution.

Your $7 for a personal card, $14 for a group nonprofit card or $100 for a small business secures your slot as a shareholder and your exclusive use of the one card and web platforms. starting with $1000 per month for personal and $10,000 per month for commercial use. Yes the ability to pay Ten Million people $1000 per month just for using the card is what our currently banking institutions are making and more.


53% of Americans making less than $75,000 per month are right-now, living check to check with one step away from eviction or repossessions or hungry. And the COVID-19 has not made it any better, but worse. A one-time stimulus check or the one-time tax return each year is not the solution for a sustained route to recovery or

A group of young entrepreneurs working out of Myrtle Beach South Carolina has developed the Perfect Connection Debit Card and PC Platforms that will serve 150 Million Americans with an average of one thousand dollars per month in extra income just for using the debit card and the PC platforms.

This is not free money, grants, loans or government funding. All card users must spend a minimum amount each month using the debit card in order to receive the various services, products and funding that is available to serve their specific need.

Provided to Individuals, Groups, businesses and nonprofits.

3500 Small Businesses and organizations will receive the Ten Thousand dollars per month

As part of the first promotional campaign the network isoffering free phone service paid for life for the first One Million Individuals to apply for the card and reserve their slot.

The first round of services are scheduled to begin on January 15, 2021 and an Official Launch Date of February 1, 2021.

The PC Card and the Network Platforms are simply group purchasing platforms from major corporations.

Ten Thousand Dollars per month is available for organizations who will commit to spending all of these funds on their daily operations and bills using the PC Debit card, the website and the financial platforms.

Our online survey is quick (30 seconds) and upon completion you will be able to see and stay up-to-date on all communications from the corporations, media and the other participating small businesses and organizations through the “follow-the-money app”.

If you are interested in helping to make this project a reality for your business or organization and for the families and communities of South Carolina please take the survey and put your name on the list to ensure you are one of the recipients when the funds become available. You will receive all details and instructions via email and the website. Feel free to reach out with any questions that you may have.

Happy surveying and funding!

Best regards,

Director of Operations | South Carolina

+1 (800) 948 5980 | Market Researcher

Free Phone Service for Life...The first promotional Campaign for the PC Card.

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